Coaches please note that that below was for the 2023-2024 season; this is NOT what will be in place for the 2024-2025 season

Swim Sask Coach Professional Development Financial Assistance

For the 2023-2024 season, coaches may apply for funding to assist with the cost of professional development. 

In addition, coaches should also apply for the Coach Development Grant with the Coaches Association of Sask. This grant is a matching grant, so money from Swim Sask could be the matching grant to go with the money from Coaches Association of Sask. Please see information below.

Coaches may apply with any professional development needs – domestic or international conferences, club visitations - in province or out of province, bringing a professional into their club environment, NCCP upgrading (Level 2/Age Group to Level 3/Senior, Level 3/Senior to ACD), etc. The idea must come from the club, be fully supported by the club, and coordinated by the coach/club. Swim Sask will not fully fund this opportunity.

Criteria:  This financial assistance for coach development is only available to: 

  • Certified coaches, with a minimum certification of Fundamentals Coach certified.

  • Be a coach member in good standing with Swim Sask, Canadian Swimming Coaches Association and Swimming Canada (have completed all the minimum requirements, and fully completed registration).

  • Currently coaching with a Swim Sask affiliated club.

Funding Specifics:

·       Domestic Conference – Single coach 65% up to $1,000.00, Multiple coaches from same club – 65% up to $2,000.00 in assistance.

·       International Conference – Single coach 65% up to $2,000.00, Multiple coaches from same club 75% up to $3,500.00 in assistance.

·       Other professional development (non-conference or course-related activities) 50% of total cost up to $2,000.00 in assistance.

·       NCCP upgrading for Swim Sask hosted courses and external courses – 100% NCCP course fees and assessments. Financial assistance for travel and accommodation may also be available.

·       Advanced Coaching Diploma – 50% of course cost per year.

Application Deadline: October 23, 2023

Funding Disbursement: Funding will be released only once plans are solidified and submitted to Swim Sask.  This must be completed by March 31, 2024. 

Club Visit and Mentorship Deadline for Completion: August 31, 2024

Follow-Up: Coaches will be asked to provide a virtual presentation upon return to the Sask Swim Coaches. 

What you will need to complete the online form: 

  • Budget

  • Outline your vision goals for this professional development opportunity

  • Rationale for your application

 Incomplete forms will NOT be considered. Ensure you fill in the entire form. 

Should you have any questions, please reach out to Alex Schultze -

Professional Development Grant from Coaches Association of Sask

 1.   Go to Sask Coach website at:  Coaches Association of Saskatchewan –

2.    If you are not already a subscriber (this is required) then

3.    Click on “Join the Community” in the top left

4.    Become a Subscriber

a.    Subscribe Now

5.    Once you are a scriber then go click on “Programs & Grants”

6.    Choose the “Coach Development Grant”

a.  Read the information

b.  Click on the Apply Online button